Monday, January 23, 2012

Where does time go?

I've been reading my favorite blogs this evening.  Each one is a treasure to me as it brings me into the life of the writer and shows me the things that make up their worlds.

I'm at a bit of a loss today as it occurs to me that I have nothing so very wonderful to say on this rainy evening.  I guess I'll ramble on a bit.

Roy's outside garden is producing peas and carrots.    The peas are so sweet because they've grown slowly on their own schedule.

In case you didn't know, I'll tell you that winter is citrus season in our world.  Our tangerine tree began having sweet tangerines in December and is still loaded down with tangerines.  We've been eating two or three every day.  I think maybe a garden fairy puts more tangerines on the tree at night.

Yes, these are not our tangerines, but our oranges in the photo.  I'm too lazy to go out in the cold rain and take a photo of the tangerines.  Take my word for it that the tangerines are growing every bit as thickly as these oranges.

Roy has been experimenting with his greenhouse.  Now that the weather's cold (by Southern California standards) he's been leaving a light on inside for warmth, but he has to turn it off and open the doors to cool it off if the day turns sunny.  He has lettuce and beets growing, but the tomatoes aren't happy.  We did have ripe tomatoes from the winter garden, but that was just a bit of luck - a very warm fall.

Pally (my implanted defibrillator) and I are doing fine.  I received a surprise box in the mail.  It's a heart monitor.  I wasn't expecting it, but there it was.  It is plugged into the telephone line and sits on my nightstand for the sole purpose of interrogating Pally as to how I'm doing and reporting back to the doctor.  This is happening on Monday nights while I sleep.  At first I felt a little out of sorts about it, but now I just ignore it.  It sits there with its bright green eye (on light) and when I'm ready to sleep, I cover the light with the instruction book that came with it.  If I don't cover the light, when I turn out the lights it casts a spooky green light all over my bedroom.  Don't the people who make these devices do a home test?  Who wants to sleep that way?  Not me.

Our granddaughter who lives in town is expecting a baby boy in late March.  We are all so excited.  We expect lots of company when he arrives because Brandy and Ken's little condo doesn't have a lot of guest space - I think the sofa is where guests can sleep.

I'll write more in a day or two.  In the mean time, please keep entertaining this lazy blogger with your beautifully written blogs.  I love them all.



  1. How exciting to have a new baby coming! How many kids and grandkids do you have? I'll be waiting for pictures. :)

    ooooh, I'd kill for a tangerine factory outside my door! We've just got a snowcone maker these days.

  2. We have three daughters and six grandchildren. Brandy and Ken's baby will be the first great-grandchild.

  3. Nice post, makes me feel relaxed....I'd love to have oranges growing in my garden but that would only ever be a dream .

    A new baby is very exciting! look forward to the photos....

  4. Nice to see you here Jenny. It is nice to have a garden growing in January. Not having snow is a good thing and a bad thing. Our weeds have been awakened by recent rain and are coming up in huge lush numbers.


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